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Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Contender 2 Gameshark Cheats Playstation

Contender 2 Gameshark Cheats


To know what a gameshark is, click here

Contender 2
Contender 2

Access All Characters Cheat
Note: You must have Gameshark version 2.2 or better to use this cheat code.
50000B01 0000
300AE960 0001
Access All Characters Cheat
800AE960 0101
800AE962 0101
800AE964 0101
800AE966 0101
800AE968 0101
800AE96A 0101
Player 1 Bruno Infinite Health Cheat
8008A470 008F
80128FC0 008F
Player 1 Bruno Infinite Stamina Cheat
80128FD8 0064
Press L2 To End The Round Cheat
800A45C4 0000
Player 1 One Hit Knocks Down The Tough Opponents Cheat
80190A4C 0000
801845EC 0000
801869E4 0000
8018AF0C 0000
801813B0 0000
80187C40 0000
80186988 0000
8018463C 0000
80182060 0000
80187D5C 0000
8017F70C 0000
80181BE0 0000
Player 1 Sergio Infinite Health Cheat
8008A470 008F
80124A98 008F
Player 1 Gabrielle Infinite Health Cheat
8008A470 008F
8012CDB4 008F
Player 1 Gabrielle Infinite Stamina Cheat
8012CDCC 0064
Player 1 Damien Infinite Health Cheat
8008A470 008F
8012C820 008F
Player 1 Damien Infinite Stamina Cheat
8012C838 0064
Player 1 Sergio Infinite Stamina Cheat
80124AB0 0064
Player 1 Mabutu Infinite Stamina Cheat
80128F08 0064
Player 1 Greta Infinite Stamina Cheat
80124A54 0064
Player 1 Greta Infinite Health Cheat
8008A470 008F
80124A3C 008F
Player 1 Mabutu Infinite Health Cheat
8008A470 008F
8012EB00 008F
Player 1 Alex Infinite Health Cheat
8008A470 008F
801226F0 008F
Player 1 Alex Infinite Stamina Cheat
80122708 0064
Player 1 Julio Infinite Health Cheat
8008A470 008F
80128EF0 008F
Player 1 Julio Infinite Stamina Cheat
80128F08 0064

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