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Thursday, June 7, 2018

Driver 2 Gameshark Cheats Playstation

Driver 2 Gameshark Cheats


To know what a gameshark is, click here

Driver 2
Driver 2

Infinite Health Cheat
D001CDA8 0008
8001CDAA 1043
Infinite Health & Other Cars Die In 1-Hit Cheat
D001CDA8 0008
8001CDAA 1043
D001CDBC 0003
8001CDBE 1000
Infinite Time Cheat
800D77B4 A8C8
800D77B6 0112
800DA490 A8C8
800DA492 0112
Invincibility Cheat
800AA1C0 0001
Immune To All Cops Cheat
800AA1C4 0001
Never Lose Hubcaps Code
50000404 0000
800C8FC8 0001
Hood View Code
800D92D8 008F
Clean Screen Full Screen Code
800AAB00 0000
Always No Felony Cheat
D004C270 92B0
8004C27A A4A0
D004C888 92B0
8004C892 A4A0
Press L1+R1+L2+R2 To Complete Mission Cheat
D00AA674 000F
800AA194 0001
D00AA674 000F
800AAA6C 0004
Access All Cities Cheat
D01C1308 F809
801C130C 0000
Stop Traffic Cheat
D0053D88 5A1F
80053D8A 2400
Can Get In Cop Cars Cheat
D0071E54 2021
80071E5A 2400
Able To Leave Any Car While Being Chased Including Cop Cars Cheat
D005589C 000A
8005589E 1000
Cant Die From Flipping Your Car & You Can Get Out Of A Fully Damaged Car Cheat
D0063878 0058
8006387A 1000
Bridges Down Cheat
8018E91C 0000
8018E91E 0000
8018E944 0000
8018E946 0000
8018EA5C 0000
8018EA5E 0000
8018EA84 0000
8018EA86 0000
8018E994 0000
8018E996 0000
8018E96C 0000
8018E96E 0000
8018EA34 0000
8018EA36 0000
8018E82C 0000
8018E82E 0000
8018E854 0000
8018E856 0000
8018E8CC 0000
8018E8CE 0000
8018E8F4 0000
8018E8F6 0000
8018EA0C 0000
8018EA0E 0000
8018E87C 0000
8018E87E 0000
8018E8A5 0000
8018E8A6 0000
Go Through Walls Cheat
D00639FC 0028
800639FE 1000
D006F244 0003
8006F246 1000
D001D868 0249
8001D86A 1000
Levitation Cheat
Note: Press L1 to levitate your car, Press R1 to make other cars levitate, and Press L1+R1 to levitate all cars.
D0056894 1903
8005689C 1D80
D0056894 1903
8005689E 0C00
80007600 FFFF
80007602 2403
80007604 000B
80007606 3C01
80007608 A674
8000760A 8C21
8000760C 0004
8000760E 8CC2
80007610 000C
80007612 3021
80007614 000C
80007616 2404
80007618 000D
8000761A 1020
8000761E 2400
80007620 0007
80007622 1024
80007624 0008
80007626 3024
80007628 0003
8000762A 1480
8000762C 5026
8000762E 0069
80007630 0007
80007632 1540
80007634 0001
80007636 340A
80007638 0005
8000763A 1140
8000763E 2400
80007640 0002
80007642 1069
80007644 0300
80007646 2442
80007648 0300
8000764A 2442
8000764C 0004
8000764E ACC2
80007650 0008
80007652 03E0
80007656 2400
Take A Ride Cheats
Allow Selection Of Vegas
D01C6E9C 0300
801C6E9C 0103
Allow Selection Of Rio
D01C6ED8 0300
801C6ED8 0103
Driving Games Quick Chase & Survival Cheats
Allow Selection Of Vegas
D01C8184 0300
801C8184 0103
Allow Selection Of Rio
D01C81C0 0300
801C81C0 0103
Driving Games Quick Getaway, Gate Racing, Trailblazer, & Checkpoint Cheats
Allow Selection Of Vegas
D01C7DBC 0300
801C7DBC 0103
Allow Selection Of Rio
D01C7DF8 0300
801C7DF8 0103
Multi-Player Take A Ride Cheats
Allow Selection Of Vegas
D01CAD00 0300
801CAD00 0103
Allow Selection Of Rio
D01CAD3C 0300
801CAD3C 0103
Multi-Player Cops 'n' Robbers, Checkpoint & Capture The Flag Cheats
Allow Selection Of Vegas
D01C8EC0 0300
801C8EC0 0103
Allow Selection Of Rio
D01C8EFC 0300
801C8EFC 0103

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